I just love good music. Stuff that really touches your soul ya know (Yes, that sounds lame, I know.)? But that is exactly what the music of both Matt Wertz and Ben Rector does. They sing songs about love and life and everything in between.
So I was THRILLED to find out that they would be making an appearance in Pittsburgh together! Now I had seen Matt a few times and although I thought I knew what to expect he really blew me away! His has this amazing voice and when he belts out his lyrics they are dripping with emotion! He has this amazing ability to just engulf you his vocals until you don't even realize what's going on around you.
Now while Ben may seem quiet when he gets behind his keyboard and starts performing you see a different person. He has a smooth bluesy voice that you cannot help but to have fun while listening to! My favorite part his set is when he really got the crowd going with making up lyrics about Peter Pan on the fly! I also really enjoyed his song "The Beat". It's this poppy/super catchy song that warrants a top tap once it comes on. For more music, the great charity work that Matt is doing for the people of Africa and other cool stuff check out both Matt and Ben's sites!
A brief interview with Ben and Matt!
Some of the performances and pics from the night after the jump!